Tag: podcast
One long dad joke: My interview with EOTT’s S.C. Naoum
I hope the whole entire world saw Eye of the Tiber‘s Pulitzer-winning* article yesterday, Catholic Costume Stores Across Country Reveal Most Popular Halloween Costume Is Slutty Mark Shea. EOTT is such a treasure, and the guy who made it all up is just as much fun as you’d expect. Here’s our interview from earlier this year, in which I come THIS CLOSE to getting him to swear in Aramaic.
*if there’s any justice in the world

Anniversary Podcast!
And here it is! Our 20th anniversary podcast, which we’re making free to all comers. OF COURSE we had some equipment trouble and ended up having to share a microphone. Made me a little uncomfortable sitting so close to this virtual stranger, but we muddled through.
We answered, sorta, the following questions generously provided by Facebook friends:
How did you meet?
What is one thing that you didn’t know/realize about each other when you got married, but now it’s your favorite thing?
What is the name of the podcast?
What’s the funniest thing that went wrong at your wedding?
Are you going to be doing anything special for your anniversary?
What had been your biggest “why did no one tell us this!?” revelation about marriage?
When did we realize you don’t know nearly as much about marriage as you thought you did?
What were some of our hardest times?
Why it is OK to have a big family and not a seven-figure income?
How do you keep that spark sparkling when children and work take all your time and energy?
And I read a poem by Adam Zagajewski.
Thanks for all the happy anniversary wishes! I’m so grateful for the support of my patrons and all my readers. Cheers!

Protected: Podcast 42: Jarod’s Prancing Musical Show!
Protected: Podcast 40: Naked purple capybaras of the world, unite!
Protected: Podcast 38: In which we hit rock bottom
Poems from my podcast (an incomplete list)
Tuesday is chock full of issues I just can’t stand to talk about! So let’s read some poetry, instead.
Oh yarr, my husband and I do a chatty, drinky podcast once a week, and we almost always end with a short poem. We’re done almost forty of these suckers, but I haven’t indexed them carefully (she mentioned while wiping pink donut frosting off the space bar), but here are many of them, anyway. If you’re looking for something thoughtful, gracious, and evocative to read, you could do worse than these:
End of Summer by Stanley Kunitz
Faith by Maria Terrone
Gazebos by Roger McGough
maggie and milly and molly and may by e e cummings
Eulogie by Sherman Alexie
Fern Hill by Dylan Thomas
Walking West by William E. Stafford
The Gift by Louise Gluck
Examination at the Womb-Door by Ted Hughes
The Lesson of the Moth by Don Marquis
There Is a Gold Light in Certain Old Paintings by Donald Justice
No Time by Billy Collins
What else are the podcasts about? Almost anything, except politics. YES. NO POLITICS. Some cussing. The podcasts are available to patrons who pledge as little as a dollar a month to help keep my site afloat. Check out Patreon for more information. It’s so easy! It’s so only a dollar a month! And we can read poems together.
Here are a few other lists of recommended poems:
Poetry-ize your house for the summer
Image: Les Chatfield via Flickr (Creative Commons) [I know you’re craning your neck sideways to read the titles, but these are not my books, so you’re just spying on the reading habits of a complete stranger, rather than on those of a near-stranger, ha.]