At the Register: What about Art Made by Monsters?

Huh, huh, what about it, huh?

At the Register: Embarrassment vs. Shame

While I was writing today’s post, I whined on Facebook:

Can’t tell if I’m struggling because I have hold of an important idea that is worth working through, or because I’m tired and stupid and making something out of nothing.

to which the wise and paternal Mark Shea responded:

 Catholics are a both/and people.

Anyway, here it is, the piece I might as well have entitled: PLEASE MISUNDERSTAND ME!  Okay, end of preemtive whine.

At the Register: How to thaw a frozen heart

Look what I wrote while I was half in the bag and it’s almost midnight!

At the Register: When it comes to building a community . . .

choose, don’t drift.

At the Register: Do You Even Deserve a New Year?

A quiz.  The best thing I have written all year.

At the Register: Why busy parents should always go to midnight Mass

And it has nothing to do with “misery loves company!

At the Register: The Light of the Child

A poem, a tune, a painting for Christmas.  May the baby who brings us warmth and light bless you all!

At the Register: How Delmar Got Saved

Zachariah, Tom Neal, and Delmar all learn that sometimes we do not have bigger fish to fry.

At the Register: The Stupids Buy a Tree (UPDATED WITH LINK)

And how it pains me that I can’t find a good picture of Aunt Loweezy to illustrate this one.

If the link doesn’t work, cut and paste this:

Sorry, I have no idea why the link isn’t working.


At the Register: A Mother who Looks Like Me

Happy feast day, bio-mom!