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Tag: national catholic register
At the Register: Gay Man Refused Last Rites?
Or something else entirely? His story stinks to high heaven, and if the priest has another one, I doubt he’s free to tell it.
Link doesn’t seem to be working for everyone. If you can’t access the story through the link above, you can cut and paste this:
At the Register: What Planned Parenthood Needs
News flash, Cecile: Abortion is not and never has been #WhatWomenNeed.
(Our pipes have been frozen for a few days, and my hair is in desperate need of washing; so my vanity won’t let me post a picture of myself holding a #WhatWomenNeed placard. But if you want to join in the fun with New Wave Feminists, where you can find a template for the placard, my suggestion for What Women Need is “PEACE IN THE WOMB.”)
At the Register: Death of a Giraffe
Human are more important than animals; but caring about animals is part of what makes us human.
At the Register: Speaking of Empty Promises
I don’t trust you to save me from sin if you can’t even bring yourself to say “sin.”
At the Register: Should You Get a Dog? A Quiz
Why are you asking me? You’ve obviously made up your mind already, you fool.
At the Register: You Want Ethical Stem Cells?
We may have found them — free of the ethical horror of embryonic stem cell research, and cheaper and faster than current methods of ethical stem cell therapy.
At the Register: Are You Raising Your Kids?
Take a squint at how you’re raising your kids. The general impression should be “up, up, up.”
At the Register: Benedict’s Peculiar Record on Pedophile Priests
As long as old lies keep circulating, we have to keep the truth circulating.
At the Register: Ten ways to raise pro-life kids
. . . without having to get off your hiney and go out in the horrible, freezing cold.