This year, we became fascinated by paper marbling videos, and I bought this kit on a whim so we could try it at home. Caveat: You have to prepare the ink mixture and then wait six hours before using it, so plan accordingly. But once it was ready to go, it was fun and easy and satisfying.

I myself hunted down the version with the bearded evil genius seated in a swivel chair and tenting his fingers while his glamorous companion in a futuristic white dress gazes inscrutably at the camera, but YOU can just get the normal version, which is the same in a more boring box. This game takes about ten minutes to play. One person sets up four colored pegs behind a little shield, and the other person has to guess what they are by setting up four pegs of their own on their own side. The first person responds with up to four coded pegs: Black for “right color, right position,” and white for “right color, wrong position.” That’s it. It’s mostly logic, but a little bit of psychology, too.

There are, in this world, Hawaiian shirts with every possible thing printed on them. Perhaps your household has a tomato lover in it, who would enjoy this shirt.
I actually got this for myself, because I like magnets. It comes on a lonnnnnnng cord, and gloves to help you keep your grip. I haven’t found anything in the water yet (I got a little spooked out, to be honest, dragging that thing in the dark water; but I’ll be braver next time), but there are plenty of things to be found on land. Magnets! How do they work!

I’m not defending this. I’m just saying, if you have a kid who would like a Sonic the Hedgehog Official Cookbook, here it is!
I like these because those silly novelty slippers always leave you with chilly bare ankles. But these make your ankles monstrous! Delightful.

Cute little projector. Stands up and has a number of different colors and settings, and the projection covers a large area.

More wax sealing supplies! Somebody needs to put this stuff in order, my goodness.

And to save your puzzle so you can store it away and work on it later:

Another animation must-have.

These are the ones we bought last Christmas, but Elisa from Door Number 9 has started making MANY many different amazing styles of dice. Anything you can think up, she thought of it.
robot hand game control holder
A nicely-designed game for kids more oriented to storytelling than strategy.
I actually love this game. It’s so stupid but lots of fun, and it’s quick and portable. It’s also a game where younger kids actually have an advantage over adults, because their reflexes are faster.

Laser cut wooden or acrylic earrings in bright, cute designs. I can’t share the specific earrings we bought, although we’ve bought several over the years, because she’s always turning out new designs. All our Odd Giraffe earrings always fetch lots of compliments, and the customer service goes above and beyond.
The perfect earrings for that one kid. I definitely didn’t secretly want them for myself.
And that’s it! If I think of more, I’ll add them to the list. Don’t forget to check out the monster list. Happy shopping!
These are great ideas! You should go into the gift idea business – some day, when you’re not doing anything else…I am ordering the Maltese Falcon for my husband and really appreciate finding out about it from you – would not have known it existed or thought to try to see if it existed, but it’s just the thing – thanks!!!
We had that Mastermind game, and I remember that cover! Great list. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.