THIS IS NOT THE YEAR: A 2020 Advent song for people with good taste

As I walked out one evening
In the dark December air,
I saw my neighbors hanging lights
On trees and everywhere.
My first thought was to chide them
Because Advent’s barely here
But a passing angel thwapped my head
And whispered in my ear…

Read the rest of my latest for The Catholic Weekly

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5 thoughts on “THIS IS NOT THE YEAR: A 2020 Advent song for people with good taste”

  1. Simcha, have you ever written about why you don’t do Santa with your family? I could use some guidance on that before my kiddo gets old enough to form memories.

    1. ehh, it’s not something I feel as strongly about as I used to. I didn’t grow up with Santa, so it felt weird and unnatural for me to tell my kids he was real; and I was concerned that they would feel betrayed and bereft when they discovered he wasn’t real. To me, it was a sort of manufactured potential crisis that I opted out of. But some families seem to manage to navigate it without a lot of problems, so YMMV.

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