How much pizza did we consume this week? All de pizza! Starting with Aldi pizza, ho ho ho.
Aldi pizza
Like I said.
Pork chops, risotto
I was still feeling pretty punk on Sunday (health report: I do not have covid or pneumonia. I have Nonspecific Virus That Takes Forever to Recover From, plus massive reflux causing shortness of breath and chest pain, plus fluid in my ears), so I spent nine and a half hours trying to order food from Instacart. First they delivered it to the wrong house, but never texted me, so the food sat there for hours before I realized what had happened. Then they told me they could simply reorder the food, and I’d have it in two hours. Three hours later, they said: Oops, actually we don’t have any shoppers, but we can totally get it to you sometime tomorrow.
So I cancelled the second order, and they handsomely promised to refund my money within five days. BOO. This is my first bad Instacart experience. So I got to spend all day on Sunday shopping but not getting food, and then also go shopping on Monday.
Luckily, we had pork chops and rice in the house (because when I say I don’t feel up to shopping, I mean I only feel up to going to two stores, not three), so I made this rather lackluster meal of broiled pork chops and Instant Pot risotto with Random Cucumbers. I think the dirty countertop really sells it.
The yellow is duck sauce, which helped a bit. The fancy plate is because all the other plates were dirty.
The risotto actually turned out great, pretty darn close to laborious stovetop risotto. I increased the cook time by a minute, and it came wonderfully creamy. I also sautéed the rice in olive oil and then added extra butter along with the broth and wine, and that did not hurt one bit.
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Harvest chicken salad
Monday we had a sort of Thanksgiving Lite Preview: Salad topped with pieces of roast chicken, dried cranberries, green apples, toasted pecans, blue cheese, and a balsamic fig dressing. It was so tasty and harvest-y. Bringing in the sheaves and whatnot.
Then I was struck with sudden pangs of guilt because I was serving my family “just salad” (even though you can barely see any green struggling away under the load of toppings). I happened to have a dozen graham cracker pie shells I bought on a whim a few weeks ago, and a can of pumpkin puree with a recipe on the label, and some heavy cream, so I made these cute little pies to serve along with dinner.
The kids were delighted. Yes, I will buy their love with pie.
Hot dogs, chips
Not even the good kind of hot dog! *shakes fist at Instacart*
Fajita beef bowls
I hereby announce, proclaim, declare, set forth, and otherwise shriek that I know “fajita” originally referred to a certain cut of steak, and then began to mean grilled strips of meat served on a tortilla. So you will see that, because there is neither skirt steak nor tortillas in this dish, it doesn’t really makes sense to call these “fajita bowls.” But I don’t know what else to call them. Texmexibowls. Spicy bois. You see my problem. So let’s just pull together in these troubled times and not be pedantic, all right? It was good food, so there.
They had these hunks of beef, maybe like a chuck roast or something, on sale. I cut them up into strips, marinated it for several hours, and then pan fried it. Here’s the marinade, with lime juice, Worcestershire sauce, olive oil, fresh garlic, cumin, salt and pepper, paprika, chili powder, and fresh cilantro:
Jump to RecipeThen I made a big pot of Instant Pot rice, and set it out with the meat and a bunch of toppings: Corn I sautéed in oil to give it a little char, fried onions, black beans with tomatoes and diced chili peppers; fresh cilantro, sour cream, limes, and corn chips.
It was a hit! It definitely would have been nice to have some avocados or guacamole, pico de gallo, or fried peppers, but everyone liked at least some part of this meal. Some of the kids had rice and corn chips for supper, and I don’t care.
Very happy to have another option for when beef is cheap, but not so cheap we can all have steak. If there is a nicer cut of beef to be had, I may marinate it whole and then grill it, and slice it afterward; but the slice-marinate-panfry method was not a bad option.
I did ask the kids if it was going to be okay to have pizza on the menu twice, especially since most of them get pizza for lunch on Fridays. They all said it was okay.
They didn’t have pepperoni in either store, for some reason, so I made one cheese, two black olive, one sausage, one red onion, basil, garlic, and ricotta, and one black olive, basil, sausage, garlic, and ricotta. I top them all with oregano and garlic powder. I sometimes put parmesan on top of that, but I forgot.
I am liking the results of using no more than about a tablespoon of ricotta in dollops all over the pizza, with red pepper flakes baked in.
So nice.
Ginger scallion noodles
I don’t even have a recipe for this yet, but I plucked the idea off the internet airwaves, so I’m sure I’ll find something good. I definitely have some linguine and fresh ginger in the house, and so many little cups of sprouting scallions on the windowsills, so that sounds like a recipe, right?
And the kids are eating pizza for lunch as we speak. It’s okay with me.

Instant Pot Risotto
Almost as good as stovetop risotto, and ten billion times easier. Makes about eight cups.
- 1 medium onion, diced
- 4 cloves garlic, minced or crushed
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp ground sage
- 3 Tbsp olive oil
- 4 cups rice, raw
- 6 cups chicken stock
- 2 cups dry white wine
- 1/2 cup butter
- pepper
- 1.5 cups grated parmesan cheese
Turn IP on sautee, add oil, and sautee the onion, garlic, salt, and sage until onions are soft.
Add rice and butter and cook for five minutes or more, stirring constantly, until rice is mostly opaque and butter is melted.
Press "cancel," add the broth and wine, and stir.
Close the top, close valve, set to high pressure for 9 minutes.
Release the pressure and carefully stir in the parmesan cheese and pepper. Add salt if necessary.

Beef marinade for fajita bowls
enough for 6-7 lbs of beef
- 1 cup lime juice
- 1/3 cup Worcestershire sauce
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1 head garlic, crushed
- 2 Tbsp cumin
- 2 Tbsp chili powder
- 1 Tbsp paprika
- 2 tsp hot pepper flakes
- 1 Tbsp salt
- 2 tsp pepper
- 1 bunch cilantro, chopped
Mix all ingredients together.
Pour over beef, sliced or unsliced, and marinate several hours. If the meat is sliced, pan fry. If not, cook in a 350 oven, uncovered, for about 40 minutes. I cook the meat in all the marinade and then use the excess as gravy.
We call fajita bowls Chipotle Bowls because they are a knock off of the burrito in a bowl at that chain. Hugely popular, and cheap to make.
Eating risotto right now with my pork chops. Turned out super good. Thanks! Another Simcha recipe to add to my rotation.
I admire your tenacity in cooking while ill. When I’m sick my kids can nuke up some frozen nuggets or pot pies (or eat peanut butter out of the jar for all I care). And if I by chance I did drag myself out of bed and made those pizzas, there would be zero chance that half my rat kids wouldn’t say, “No thanks, Mom. I’m doordashing McDonalds.” GRRR
Anyway, the reason I came on to comment was to recommend a homeopathic remedy with which we’ve had good success knocking out horrific respiratory illnesses. A combo of serrapeptase and zinc usually has a noticeable difference within a day, if not sooner. The zinc can upset your stomach so it’s important to take it with food. I like to take the serrapeptase on an empty stomach because I can feel actual drainage if I do. None of us have ever had stomach issues from serrapeptase buy YMMV.
Also, we get so many fewer colds in our house since we started taking preventive vitamin D along with mk4 (to help with the D’s absorption). In any case, you should get your D levels checked if you haven’t already.
I usually just use the Now brand (because they’re cheap) for serrapeptase, zinc and D3. They’re all on amazon. The mk4 brand I use is this one
Wow! You make some really beautiful pizzas!
Hope you feel better soon. Or, as the FLOTUS might say, “Feel Best!”
thank you! I have recovered faster from childbirth with a 10+ pound baby than I am recovering from this cold, or whatever it is. Bah.
I have a personal theory that our immune systems have gotten rusty due to social distancing so colds are worse, if less frequent. Still worth the tradeoff tbc but we dragged a runny nose around our house for three straight weeks.
I have a personal theory that our immune systems have gotten rusty due to social distancing so colds are worse, if less frequent. Still worth the tradeoff tbc but I had the worst man cold of my life and then we dragged a runny nose out for three straight weeks.
Actually, if you don’t use the correct cut of steak you are supposed to refer to them as “sparkling burritos.”
I laughed out loud.