It’s NFP Week! I’ll assume you have already read my most excellent book, The Sinner’s Guide to Natural Family Planning, and are desperate for more. So here is a little round-up of some of the essays that aren’t in the book. If you’ve read something good on the topic and think other people should read it, too, please leave a link in the comments.
The Contraceptive mentality is real, but it’s probably not what you think
The Contraceptive Mentality, Part 2: Grave reasons and obedience
Asking couples to use NFP is asking a lot. Can’t the Church help more?
If NFP works, why does she have ten kids?
Help! Help! Humanae Vitae isn’t a rigorous logical treatise!
Please stop saying ‘my cycle’ when you mean ‘my period.’ It matters.
8 Things we need our NFP teachers to know
The privilege of saying ‘no thanks’ to NFP
Sunshine, Buttercups, and Rainbow Flags
and not specifically about NFP, but still relevant:
I’m sorry about the glop monsters. The one and only time I feel sympathy toward the USCCB is once a year when they have to come up with a graphic depicting NFP in a way that doesn’t make people point and snicker. I’m having a Jenna Maroney “Fart So Loud” moment, I guess. A triumph.