What’s for supper? Vol. 31: Trouble? I’ve Got Polenta

If you’ve come to the blog today to find great recipes, inspiration, and motivation, then here is my advice to you:

[img attachment=”99022″ align=”aligncenter” size=”medium” alt=”12932588_10153574818022029_4212511536381449974_n” /]

You’ll see.


Grilled chicken; Salad; Brownies

[img attachment=”99034″ align=”aligncenter” size=”medium” alt=”chicken and salad” /]

My husband made this, and the kids made dessert, while I holed up in my room writing a speech. Nice meal which I wasn’t involved in making.


Fish tacos; corn chips; ice cream cones

[img attachment=”99035″ align=”aligncenter” size=”medium” alt=”fish tacs” /]

My husband and kids made this while I holed up in my room writing a speech. Nice meal which I wasn’t involved in making.


English muffin pizzas; carrots and hummus

The kids made this while I holed up in my room on the radio. Perfectly decent meal which I wasn’t involved in making.


Pork ribs; Coleslaw; Burned Rice

I made this while asleep. We already had shredded cabbage left over from the tacos, so I mixed it up with shredded carrots, mayo, a little sour cream, vinegar, sugar, and pepper. Good enough.

The pork, I just threw under the broiler with salt and pepper. I keep asking for new pork recipes, and then I keep doing it this way.

I intended to make biscuits for this meal, but when it came down to it, I thought, “Burned rice would really hit the spot right now,” so that’s what I made. Mmm, crunchy.


Tacos; Tortilla chips

The kids made this while I drove around like a maniac. An okay meal, which I wasn’t involved in making. I forgot to buy envelopes of taco seasoning, so we made do with chili powder and hot sauce.


Quesadillas; Polenta with Spicy Chorizo and Carmelized Red Onions

Gosh, it’s Thursday, and I’ve barely done any cooking this week! Well, today’s the day I’ll make up for it all. The kids love quesadillas, and we’re all kind of excited about polenta, and chorizo is very tasty.  Oh, wow, look at these magnificent onions!

[img attachment=”99038″ align=”aligncenter” size=”medium” alt=”red onions” /]

Ravishing. What a world. What a beautiful, delicious, beneficent world it is. This is going to be the best meal ever.

So. Who remembers that scene from The Witch of Blackbird Pond where she’s making cornmeal mush?

Toward evening they set her at the easiest task they could devise–the making of corn pudding. The corn meal had to be added to the boiling kettle a pinch at a time. Before half of it was consumed, Kit’s patience ran out. The smoke made her eyes water, and there was a smarting blister on one thumb. She suspected that Judith had invented the irksome procedure just to keep her busy, and in a burst of resentment she poured in the remaining cupful all at once. She learned her mistake when the lumpy indigestible mass was ladled onto her wooden trencher. There was nothing else for supper. After one shocked stare, the family downed the mess in a silence that made Kit writhe.

So, that’s how I started. Oh yes, there was writhing. Then I fixed it by dumping a bunch of greasy orange meat and slithery onions into the pot, and then I threw it in the oven to firm up and become wonderful.


[img attachment=”99036″ align=”aligncenter” size=”medium” alt=”polent chorizo” /]

I’m sorry you had to see that.

I would have gotten away with it, too, if I weren’t completely incompetent. Although it takes a certain type of skill to produce a dish that looks like it’s got an infection.



Because I think maybe I can boil water.

Oh, there was one bright spot the week, foodwise. It was Benny’s shopping turn. I take one of the kids shopping with me each week, to get in a little one-on-one time. We have lunch, and the kid gets to spend his allowance, pick the weekend’s desserts, chat, and otherwise be charming. Here, Benny conquers Aldi:

[img attachment=”99037″ align=”aligncenter” size=”medium” alt=”Benny Aldi” /]

How did your week go? Any better than mine? Will Goodwife Cruff and her grim cadre of joyless harridans expel you from the community, or will you learn to tame your wild spirit before it’s too late? Also, what do I do with pork?

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