She’s five days old and doing great! We’re all doing fine. Lots of ups and downs as usual (hint: it’s wonderful to be back at Mass after missing last week, but I wish I had remembered to bring tissues for the reading about Abraham and Isaac. Yeesh), but she has figured out how to nurse, I remember how to put onesies on babies, and we’re all settling in. Here are a few pics of the last few days.
and Corrie meets the dog, who THINKS SHE SMELLS VERY VERY INTERESTING. (If I had seen this picture before I was a dog owner, I’d think, “Holy cow, how irresponsible! He may be a good dog, but he’s still an animal!” Well, Boomer was born to protect little girls. Other than eat and poop and chase his tail, that is the one thing he has done consistently and tirelessly since the day we got him. He loves her with all his doggy heart, and can’t bear it when we do monstrous things like wash her ears. So, relax! He is a very good dog.)
In no particular order, here are various people enjoying being with Corrie:
Well, that’s the general idea! Damien went back to work Friday, the kids went back to school today, and I fully intend to get dressed at some point today. I probably won’t write up a birth story, unless I keep dreaming about it and need to put it somewhere. Giving birth sucks, the end. But here is a truly wonderful baby to keep, so hooray!